Monday, September 13, 2004

Pictures (Finally) Online!

It has taken a while but I can now proudly announce the "birth" of my Olympic photo page. After 2 weeks of hard labour the baby came out alive and kickin'. It is 336 pictures long and weights around 20 Mb. Father and baby are very healthy and doing fine.

As neither parents not child need their rest, visiting hours have been set to 24/7, meaning you can pass by and admire the result at any time. Flowers are welcome.

Visiting address is my site.



PS: Those of you surfing from work might have an issue with the Flash Player not functioning. Even after apparently downloading it. A small work around which might work is using this link and clicking on "NO" when asked whether you want to install Flash Player. If that doesn't work, you'll have to watch it from home.

Friday, September 03, 2004

René's Final Symphony

This will be my last blog. It's now already a week since the Olympics ended with a more than beautiful spectacle and left us flameless. Yes, some tears in my eyes, why not? It was all so amazing and unreal, all those days. Now even when I'm back I can't explain how great it was to all the ones I talk about it. The Greek did it with pride, a lot of pride, they were proud of what they had achieved, and I think I am proud that I have added 0.0025% to all the work of the volunteers. That doesn’t seem to be much, but without me the Olympics wouldn’t be 100% but 99.9975% which is not that good result as it is now.

I would like to thank some people as they have made my life a lot more pleasant when I was in Athens, first there was Michael from transport, he provided music on the parking and always a smile, then Diederick. I know him already for years and we met each other in Athens during my first night in the HHH (were else?). He is the biggest hockey fan in Holland and I learned a lot of him just by sitting beside him at the stadium. He joined us in the nights also in the HHH. Then Manon and all her girlfriends, she was like an energy ball, didn’t stop dancing and she made me dancing too and she brought a smile on my face.

Hopefully Roberto will publish the pictures as soon as possible on the web, I didn’t even seen them myself by know and I’m getting more and more curious to see them and show them to my girlfriend and all my other friends. Roberto was also the cause I ended up in Athens for the Olympics, Thanks pal, for the idea and your company. It was (and I think I mentioned this already 20.000 times) the experience of a lifetime.

See you all somewhere, someday, somehow!!
