Obviously, some might tend to disagree... Not only the Americans, Chinese, Russians and Germans, but also undersigned. Of course Brazil is not the greatest sports country in the world. It's Curacao!
So, here was a bet in the making. I need to state that the terms and conditions of this bet were made on a terrace in Utrecht underneath a burning sun and under influence of a few "wit biertjes" (= white beer). Leandro (another Brazilian) was promoted from DevLAN manager to Official Cafe Flater Betting Judge (without increase in salary). He was actually supposed to minute the agreement which he didn't, but we'll blame that on Freddy Heineken.
As betting on Curacao would obviously be too unfair to my colleague, we decided that I would side for Holland. The bet is simple: If Holland gets more points that Brazil, I win, and he wins if it's the other way around. Points are scored with medals. 5 points for Gold, 3 for Silver and 1 for Bronze.
The loser has to organise a party in the Old Dutch (a bar in our office) in honour of the winning country. The invite should state this specifically. This includes flags, balloons and music from the winning country and obviously the loser gets to wear the opponents shirt behind the bar. The loser should also offer Caipirinhas as these are hell to make (but extremely tasty).
You are hereby all invited to attend and order as many Caiprinhas as you can...
PS: Holland currently has 1 silver and 2 bronze, which totals 5 points. I'm trying to calculate the Brazilian points, but I can't find them on the medal table. Can anybody help me out? ;-)
Can I join the Dutch party in the "Old Dutch" too?
Haven't had a caipirinha in a while!
Hey there,
Last night I watched Pieter (VDH)swim a great silver medal. Great result! Too bad those swimmers keep apologising for winning "only" silver.
Keep posting!
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