Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Goodbye Olga

I'm in Athens now, after my meet (and unfortunately no greet) with Anky, I took a cab to our appartment, Roberto was right, this is throwing us a century back in time, this is a movie set, Spielberg were are you ??

This morning I picked up my clothes and called (yes, YES) OLGA !!! She picked up the phone (I really got exited), but how fast would things change, she said that she was not working anymore for the ATHOC and gave me a phone number of Helena and that was it, no more Olga this Olympics.

Then I called Helena, aahhh what a voice, great substitute for Olga, we are going to meet tomorrow at 11.00. I will do my best to be her best volunteer ever !!

We are now in a airconditioned internet cafe, I've got a frappe and a sigarette and that's great here in Athens, no smocking restrictions. EVERYBODY is smocking here, the cab driver even offered me a sigarette yesterday in his cab !

The following part is in "dutch" because I gave my aunt also the blog address, she will print the messages and give it to my mother (who lives in a small town in Limburg and doesn't have internet yet).

Hoi mam,

Wie is 't ? hie is alles goot, ich hub ein gooi reis gehad en noe zitte vur in een caffe met allemoal computers en het is lekker keul. Morgen hub ik miene eerste werkdaag en det wert zeker geweldig. Hoap det doa 't wear auch ein bietje lekker blieft! Ich bel dich van de weak.



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